Friday, November 10, 2006

Judas Priest - Turbo

(CBS Records, 1986)
Hoo boy. Things start out ugly on this one, with "Turbo Lover" sounding like some 80s techno thing that's as disturbingly catchy as it is not very good. And that pretty much sums up this album. It sucks and gets stuck in your head, creating the sucky gift that keeps on fucking giving. Seriously, I love Judas Priest and all, but for the most part this blows. I'm not sure if there was label pressure to have a hit song or if it was all "OMG SELLOUT JP SUXORS," but this whole album seems to wobble back and forth between weak synth-pop and the worst kind of glammy arena rock that you would totally beat the crap out of if you could somehow make it manifest itself in human form. This is like what Dokken would be like if they had keyboards and Rob Halford, who totally wouldn't be able to offset the stupid keyboards. And it doesn't help matters much for the album cover to apparently depict someone gripping what appears to be some sort of peppermint wang. I guess it just goes to show you...

Track Listing:
1. Turbo Lover
2. Locked In
3. Private Property
4. Parental Guidance
5. Rock You Around the World
6. Out in the Cold
7. Wild Nights, Hot & Crazy Days
8. Hot for Love
9. Reckless
(And I'm assuming modern versions have bonus tracks)

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